“The Six Million Dollar Man”: What Did It Get Right? And Wrong?



It’s been 40 years since “The Six Million Dollar Man” was a hit for ABC, and now bionic limbs are a reality. So how much did the show get right? And how much did it get wrong?

What it got right:

1. Two bionic legs, an arm and an eye would cost a little over $25 million, about $6 million in 1976 dollars.

2. Some people receiving bionic implants are named Steve.

3. People who get bionic implants see an 800% increase in the need to lift cars and jump over buildings.

4. Most cities now have a 60mph speed limit for pedestrians.

5. Bigfoot does exist.

What it got wrong:

1. Bionic limbs aren’t nearly as big as they are in the TV show. These days, a bionic arm can fit in your shirt pocket.

2. None of Steve Austin’s limbs has a can opener, a standard feature on the bionic limbs of today.

3. Bionic limbs don’t make the tinny, “ftt-tt-tt” sound like they do in the TV show. They sound more like a screaming baby.

4. Bionic limbs are just as likely to attack their owners as they are to foil diabolical plots against humanity.

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